View Profile mastermalpass
I'm Your average guy who likes to be balanced. Does like to look at the bright side of things unless I'm really pissed off. :)

Age 33, Male


Tiverton High


Joined on 9/11/06

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mastermalpass's News

Posted by mastermalpass - August 14th, 2009

So I've been thinking I should make an update - seing as I rarely do.

In the last couple posts I've been complaining about boredom, and I think this summer is starting to wash it away. I've been up to a lot so far. Besides gaming and working. I've had family over, gone a few places. I'm about to go on holiday, OH and my bro got engaged!

These holidays would be good to start driving lessons. So as soon as I have some money, I'll be on the road.

Also, I've entered a competition by E4 called "we want your ESting!" You make a 10 second animation, and he top prize is £5000 so if you're an animator then I sugest you enter.

I made one called Alien walker, when the competition's over I'll upload it here even though it may not pass judgement because of it's length.

I think that's all for now.



Posted by mastermalpass - January 27th, 2009

Wow, it's been ages since I last posted in here. My last post was complaining about the long wait for college and I've been going to college for four months now.

Any way. I am supprised to find life a little boring. It seems interesting for everyone else though. Ok, my life doesn't have all the big disasters and bad things going on, or I just don't look at such things in a bad way. But at least their life has a little drama in. I need stuff to talk about. I'm getting very quiet these days since I'm finding myself with less to chat about, apart from my friends on newgrounds and shit.

I've really gotta do some interesting shit to talk about. I suppose it's the new year, and even though I resent to waiting for the new year to make changes, I'm gonna make some resolutions any way which hit the new year coincidentially.

Listen to people more - The reason I'm never with it is because I'm always asleep.

Do some different stuff - it's been yonks since my days have had a bit of colour in. You could pretty much some up a month with 16 colours. I want at least 256.

OH HI! You've been reading this? By all means leave a comment if you feel like it. ANYTHING, It can't be more random and crap than what I always talk about. =]

Posted by mastermalpass - August 6th, 2008

Life is pretty boring at the moment. I finished school what feels like yonks ago. And college is miles and miles away.

My mates are all getting exited abour our Exam results on August 21st..... That's more than two weeks away. And as I have no occupation apart from my annoyign part time job that's gonna feel like forever.

So every thing I do for the rest of this month will be something to pass the time of WAITING. Waiting for college.

Still I suppose I've got newgrounds and have found myself spending more time on here lately.